Next.Ape is Antoine Pierre's unclassifiable project. Fresh & complex. A strong identity & various musical influences.
Antoine Pierre (drums) | Veronika Harcsa (vocals) | Lorenzo Di Maio (el. guitar) | Cedric Raymond (keyboards, effects, guitar) | Jérôme Klein (keyboards)
They offer a cross-over music that cleverly mixes trip-hop, electronics, jazz and rock. The band is composed by European jazz musicians: Veronika Harcsa (singer, Hungary), Lorenzo Di Maio (guitar, Belgium), Cedric Raymond (keyboards, effects, guitar, Belgium) Jérôme Klein (keyboards, Luxembourg) and Antoine Pierre (drums, Belgium). After a first EP in 2019, the band is releasing their debut album in March 2023.
Over the course of the past years, Next.Ape has shaped its unique sound: a slamming snare drum, a deep bass on the Moog, a distorted guitar, some profound keyboards and a clear and charismatic voice. The groove is hectic and incisive.
Next.Ape toured in Belgium (PBA, Bozar, Botanique, Reflektor,...), Luxemburg (De Gudde Wëllen,...), Hungary (A38-Ship), Morocco (Chellah Jazz Festival), Canary Islands (Canarias Jazz y Mas Festival). As something extra special, they invited the great saxophone player Ben Wendel for their first shows.

"Voix qui tutoie les anges, rythmiques organiques jazz, arrangements électro entre trip-hop classieux et pop aventureuse. "The Fourth Wall" assume sa singularité et enchaine les grands moments."
Moustique (BE)
"Intrigerende mix van zweverige jazz en diepe beats." ★★★★½
Dansende Beren (BE)
“Au final, le groupe propose un EP qui va secouer le cocotier côté jazz et ouvrir Next.Ape à un nouveau public tourné vers la musique des gars de Bristol. Dans tous les cas, une perle musicale qui va cartonner en concert.”
L'Avenir (BE)
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Management & bookings R.O.W
Bookings Benelux